Thursday, March 7, 2013


Me llamo Alex Jackson. Yo vivo en Montgomery County Maryland. Tengo 20 años y mi 21 cumpleaños es el 15 de febrero. Tengo tres hermanos menores. Mis deportes favoritos son voleibol y baloncesto. Me gusta ver la televisión mucho. Mis programas favoritos son Lie to Me y The Big Bang Theory. Me gusta jugar todos los deportes y videojuegos y soy muy competitivo. Mis videojuegos favoritos  son Halo 4 y Call of Duty. Mi especialidad es ciencias ambientales. En general, me gustan todas mis classes para mi especialidad. No me gustan las classes de matemáticas que tengo para mi especialidad. Voy al gimnasio a levantar pesas mucho. Me ayuda a aliviar el estrés. Trabajo para ResLife como asistente de residentes. Es mucho trabajo pero yo vivo en el campus gratis. Me gusta Español 102.


  1. Alex! Is great that you are studying Environmental Science! Before, I was wanting to study that.. Which are your favorite subjects about it?

  2. Why do you like the spanish language? What got your attention about it?

  3. Have you ever gotten a prize for do your favorite sports?

  4. Hey Diana!
    My favorite subjects relating to Environmental Science are species biodiversity and environmental conservation.

    I like the spanish language because like my teacher says "it is a sexy language". What got my attention is the popularity of the language. It seemed like a good idea to have a better knowledge of the spanish language.

    I have gotten prizes or trophies for my favorite sport which is volleyball. In high school I helped my team with the State Championship.

  5. Hello Alex

    How much time do you expend on your studies in a day?

    Besides the gym, do you practice any sport?

    What is your favorite kind of music?

  6. Hi Alex, my name is Madahí, May I give you some suggestions.
    You have to put first the word “cumpleaños” and after the number 21
    In the case of: “Me gusta ver la televisión mucho” the Word “mucho” it could be there or you can said: “Me gusta mucho ver la televisión” but in the phrase “Voy al gimnacio a levantar pesas mucho” sounds weird it´s better if you say “Voy mucho (or muy seguido) al gimnacio a levantar (or hacer) pesas” and another suggestion is that in Spanish you can omit the pronoun is not bad but also sounds weird and you can only say “Vivo (or estoy viviendo) en Montgomery” and “… pero vivo en el campus gratis”. I´m learning English and maybe I have mistakes now on that case sorry.

  7. Hi Alex!

    Wow! Environmental Science! It sounds very "Green". I study pharmaceutical chemistry and I also don´t like math, Statistics is ok.

    Do you have some subjects related with microbiology, toxicology and chemistry?

    How many hours do you spend at college?

