Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hola! Mi nombre es Shelvie Taylor y soy de Frederick, Maryland. Tengo 23 años.  Quiero hacer videojuegos. Me gusta los videojuegos y musica. Estoy estudiando animacion.  Soy alto y tengo marron cabello. Soy adgradable y divertido. No me gusta el tiempo frio, me gusta hacer calor tiempo. Me gusta ir al ciene y levantar pesas. Mi familia esta bien. Son de Maryland. Vivo con mi madre y padre.


  1. Hello Shelvie :)

    What kind of movies do you like?

    Why do you study Animation?

    What do you do on your vacations?

    1. Hello Rodrigo,

      I like action and horror movies.

      I study animation because I love art and video games.

      I usually go to the beach on vacation.

  2. Hi Shelvie

    What's your favorite film?

    What kind of videogames do you like?

    Why don't like the cold weather?

    1. Hello Felipetellez,

      My favorite movie is Batman.

      I like action games.

      I prefer warm weather.

  3. Hello Shelvie

    What is your favorite kind of music?

    How much time do you expend in your studies?

    Do you practice any sport besides the gym?

    1. Hello Emmanuel,

      My favorite kind of music is rock.

      I spend a lot of time working.

      No. The gym is a hobby to me.

  4. Hi Shelvie, my name is Madahí, May I give you some suggestions.
    When you said : “Me gusta los videojuegos y música” you are talking in plural then you had to add a “n” and the article “la” when you refer music. “Me gustan los videojuegos y la música(or oír música)” the other part is when you said “Soy alto y tengo marron cabello” instead you have to say “Soy alto y tengo (or y mi color de cabello es café) el cabello marron (in Spanish you usually say café or castaño I´ve never heard the color "marron" when we talk about hair)” When you refer at the weather you have to say “No me gusta el clima frío, me gusta el clima caluroso (caliente, templado etc.).” or “Me gusta cuando hace calor”
    I´m learning English and maybe I have mistakes, sorry for that. Have a nice day.
